Franz Defends Society


Gilbert, the orange bird, has figured out how to clone himself. Now, with his infinite clones, he has hacked the world, and proceeds to drop bombs all over!!!
Franz, the elephant who stole shoes from a blue rugby ball (but painted them to be discreet about it), and subsequently got his trunk chopped off, is the only one left to defend the world!

How to play:

Control Franz with A and D (to move left and right) and Left/Right arrow (to angle cannon). Press space to fire a cannonball. Indicator on the left shows if your cannon is loaded. Shoot Gilbert's clones to destroy them. Beware, they drop bombs, which can damage you. Your lives indicator is in the top left. If you get hit by a bomb, you will lose one life. Your cannonballs can destroy bombs as well as Gilberts. Cannonballs can only destroy three things before being destroyed themselves.

Good luck, Franz. You're the last chance we have to save the world from Gilbert.

Published 1 day ago


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screw gilblert >:(

Yes. He is very evil.

My eyes!